Why are local fuck buddies so popular nowadays? Why is the concept of local fuck buddies catching on in America? Well, part of it is due to the fact that people are changing the way they think about relationships.
They’ve seen a lot changes in recent years regarding how they view themselves in relationships, and how they define themselves within one. Times are changing and social expectations are fast evolving. It seems that the old rules no longer apply. This is why the definition of friends and friends with benefits has really taken on recently to the point that a lot of sex has entered the picture.
In some ways, this is actually a cause for hope because people are finally beginning to separate their physical lives from their emotional lives. Just because you have sex with somebody doesn’t necessarily mean that you want to marry that person. Just because you have sex with somebody doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to get all emotional and territorial about that person.
This is a step in the right direction because, let’s face it, the ability to separate your physical life from your emotional life is a step towards self-mastery. I know this seems blasphemous to many people because it runs counter to all sorts of traditional morality and all sorts of moral arrangements. Unfortunately, our economy, politics, and society are changing so much that our mind set has to expand at the same pace. This is just one indication of that rapid change. I think a lot of this has to do with the information overload made possible by social media and the internet.